
View the Project on GitHub jwildfire/forest-plot

Forest Plot

This repo contains a JavaScript library that allows users to dynamically explorer adverse event results data in real time. A typical forest plot can be found here - it looks like this:


Data Specifications

The chart is created using a analysis results data (as opposed to raw adverse even data). The data set should have one record per test type (e.g. odds ratio) per class of adverse event (e.g. system organ class/preferred term). The following columns are required (chart mapping variable names are in parenthesis).

Column Setting Default Description
High Level Classification high_level_col AEBODSYS High Level Adverse Event Class
Low Level Classification low_level_col AEDECOD Low Level Adverse Event Class
Group 1 group1_col Group1 Name of first group in comparison (e.g. “Treatmemt”)
Group 2 group2_col Group2 Name of second group in comparison (e.g. “Placebo”)
Group 1 Numerator numerator1_col n1 Number of cases (numerator) for group 1
Group 2 Numerator numerator2_col n2 Number of cases (numerator) for group 2
Group 1 Denominator denominator1_col N1 Number of participants (denominator) for group 1
Group 2 Denominator denominator2_col N2 Number of participants (denominator) for group 2
Test Type test_col Test Type of test (e.g. “Odds Ratio”)
Test Result result_col Res Result of Test
Test Result - Upper Limit of Normal result_upper_col CI_Upper Upper Limit of Normal for Test Result
Test Result - Lower Limit of Normal result_lower_col CI_Lower Lower Limit of Normal for Test Result
Test Result - p-value p_col Pvalue P value for Test Result

A sample data set using the default column mappings described is used to generate the example above and can be found here.

Technical Specification

To generate a forest plot, simply load the data set, provide a configuration object with mappings, and initialize the chart using the forestPlot() function, like so:

d3.csv('forest_plot_test_data.csv', function (data) {
    let settings = {
        numerator1_col: "n1",
        test_col: "Test",
    forestPlot(data, "#container", settings)

See here for the full code used to generate our example graphic.